Unable To Set “Claim Provider Identifier” with Active Directory Import

As I was trying to get the User Profile Service up and running with our ADFS implementation, I ran into a bit of a snag trying to set up the Profile Synchronization using the “SharePoint Active Directory Import”.

After setting the sync to “Use SharePoint Active Directory Import” in the “Configure Synchronization Settings”, and then, going into “Configure Synchronization Connections” an setting up a new connection, you will notice that all mapped properties are cleared out under “Manage User Properties.” Unfortunately, none of the properties are available for selection, so they need to be entered manually.

The snag I ran into was related specifically to the Claim mappings. I was able to enter the “Claim User Identifier” without issue, however, when attempting to enter the “Claim Provider Identifier”, it would not let me add it, as the “Add” button was greyed out. After fumbling around for a bit and trying a page refresh, I realized that it would not let me add a new value, because it had kept a previous empty value. Clicking the “Remove” button, allowed me to enter in a new value for the “Claim Provider Identifier” and save it. A fairly straightforward solution, but not completely obvious.

Posted in SharePoint 2013.

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