Deleting Erroring Web Parts

Have a web part on a page that is throwing an error, but unable to delete it using the “Edit Page” option?

Add:  ?contents=1 to the URL of the page. This will take you to a separate page, where it can be deleted.

Accessing SharePoint User Variables

string site = this.Page.Request.Url.ToString();
SPSite spsSite = new SPSite(site);
SPWeb spwWeb = spsSite.OpenWeb();string userEmail = spwWeb.CurrentUser.Email;
string userName = spwWeb.CurrentUser.Name;


Enabling SharePoint SRS2005 Report Builder For Access Via VPN

1. Make sure Reporting Services is up and running in Sharepoint Integration Mode
2. Enable Reporting Services for the site, test locally.
3. In IIS create a new Virtual Directory for the ReportBuilder at its default path (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\ISAPI\ReportBuilder).
4.  Click “Create” on the “Application Name” section.
5. Ensure anonymous access is checked for the application, and ensure that anonymous permissions have been granted on the folder. Unchecking “Integrated Windows Authentication” also may be a good idea.