Setting up Office Web Apps Server for SharePoint & Publishing via ADFS WAP

1. Create a new vanity DNS entry for Office Web Apps that points to the ADFS WAP for public consumption (ie. ->

2. Download and run install software [i.e. en_office_web_apps_server_2013_with_sp1_x64_dvd_3833121] on server that is not in SharePoint Farm.  Office Web Apps Server cannot be installed on server hosting SharePoint. There are several prerequisites that it may prompt you to install (IIS, .NET, etc.). You may also need to uninstall this hotfix for .NET 4.6.1: Update for Microsoft Windows (KB3102467)


3. Ensure there is a cert installed on the Office Web Apps Server for use (i.e. wildcard), if none is available, one must be installed.  Set the friendly name if none exists.  Install certificate under Personal Certificates for the local computer.

To set friendly name, run MMC as an admin. Go to “File”, “Add/Remove Snap In”,  choose “Certificates”, manage Certificates for “Computer account”, then “Next”, keep option for “Local Computer” selected, click “Finish”, then “OK”. Navigate to Personal Certificates, then right click on the certificate you just installed and click “Properties.” Set the friendly name to a name of your choice.

4. After install, run the following PowerShell on the Office Web Apps Server:

 New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -Verbose -InternalUrl -ExternalUrl 
-CertificateName CertFriendlyName -ClipartEnabled –TranslationEnable

5. On SharePoint Server, run the following under the SharePoint Management Shell:

 New-SPWOPIBinding -ServerName 

(must be fully qualified server name)

(Optional depending on your internal network configuration):

If you are seeing error messages (such as Event ID 3005, “We couldn’t find the file you wanted”,  “Server Error in ‘/x’ Application”, etc.) You may also need to add a hosts entry on your Office Web Apps Server that points directly to your SharePoint WFE.  The reason being is that OWAS cannot read the Office files from SharePoint through ADFS, if resolves to your ADFS.

7. Log onto ADFS WAP server. Add hosts file entry that points to actual Office Web Apps Server IP to override the DNS entry. (ie.

8. Publish Office Web Apps Server with public URL ( Set to “Pass Through” instead of “ADFS”.



9. Your done. To test, try opening an Office document in SharePoint, or try navigating to:

Errors When Adding SP2013 Navigation in SP2010 UI Mode

There is an rather obscure error that can occur when working with “Audiences” and groups in SharePoint 2010 mode within SharePoint 2013. The problem can surface when trying to create list items based around audiences. Items can be created just fine, but when trying to add an audience trimming to the item, SharePoint can throw an error. This is related to how the form within IE is storing the HTML for the audience.

To get around this, you will need to change your Compatibility View setting within IE.

See example:

Add A Link:


Create a link and give it an audience trimming:


SharePoint Throws An Error:


Navigate to Compatibility Setttings:


Change Compatibility Settings to use Compatibility View:


Navigational items should now save successfully.

Log In as different user (SP2013)

SharePoint 2013 took away the ability to log in as a different user via the drop down menu. Should you need to log in as a different account, try adding the following to the page you are on:


Get Web Sites Owners Listing (Powershell to Text File)

I created this script to gather a listing of web site owners within a Site Collection.  It has been set to only gather the first tier of sites.  If you wish to go deeper, change the comparision.

if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
function IterateSubSites ([Microsoft.SPWeb]$subSite)
    if ($subSite -ne $null)
        if($subSite.Webs -ne $null)
            foreach($subsites in $subSite.Webs)
$webApplicationURL = ""
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication $webApplicationURL
foreach($site in $webApp.Sites)
    foreach($subWeb in $site.AllWebs)
       if(($subWeb.Url.Split("/") | measure-object).Count -lt 5)
        $output += $subWeb.Url + "`r`n`r`n"
        foreach($group in $subWeb.Groups)
            if($group.Name -like "*Owners*")
                $output += "Owner(s): " + "`r`n`r`n"
                foreach($user in $group.Users)
                {$output += $user.Name + " - " + $user.Email + "`r`n`r`n"; }
    if($subWeb.IsRootWeb -ne $true)
$output | Out-File "C:\owners.txt" 

Can not convert claims identity to windows token. This may be due to user not logging in using windows credentials.

Can not convert claims identity to windows token. This may be due to user not logging in using windows credentials.


If you receive this message when trying to run a report after upgrading your SharePoint environment to 2013, make sure that you have enabled the Claims To Windows Token Service on the SAME server that you have Reporting Services running on.  This will take care of that error.

If after that you receive an error message indicating that you cannot logon as “NT Anonymous” you will further need to go in and set up your SharePoint Service account to have “AllowedDelegateTo” permission to the SQL Server you are trying to connect to.

In Active Directory Users and Computers, change the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute to include entries to your SQL Server(s).


You may also wish to set it to allow any protocol.


Provision Search Service On Any SharePoint Server (with no migration)

This is based on scripts at I have modified the original script because if you are provisioning this on a server that is not the Central Admin server, you may get some NULL errors when you try to complete the component steps.  I have highlighted the part that I have changed.

This script will allow you to provision the search service application on any server of your choosing. Before you run this script, make sure you have activated the following services in Central Admin on the server you wish to set up your SSA on.

Search Host Controller Service
Search Query and Site Settings Service

$saAppPoolName = "Default SharePoint Service App Pool"
$searchServerName = (Get-ChildItem env:computername).value
$serviceAppName = "Search Service Application"
$searchDBName = "SearchService_DB"
$saAppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool $saAppPoolName
Start-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance $searchServerName
Start-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryAndSiteSettingsServiceInstance $searchServerName
$searchServiceApp = New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Name $serviceAppName -ApplicationPool $saAppPoolName -DatabaseName $searchDBName
$searchProxy = New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy -Name "$serviceAppName Proxy" -SearchApplication $searchServiceApp
$clone = $searchServiceApp.ActiveTopology.Clone()
$searchServiceInstance = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance | where-object{$_.Server.Name -eq $searchServerName}
New-SPEnterpriseSearchAdminComponent –SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $searchServiceInstance
New-SPEnterpriseSearchContentProcessingComponent –SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $searchServiceInstance
New-SPEnterpriseSearchAnalyticsProcessingComponent –SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $searchServiceInstance 
New-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlComponent –SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $searchServiceInstance 
New-SPEnterpriseSearchIndexComponent –SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $searchServiceInstance
New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryProcessingComponent –SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $searchServiceInstance

Automatically Filing SharePoint Documents After Timespan

1) Set up a Document Library that will house the “temporary” documents (ie. the documents that you plan on having automatically filed).  For instance “New Documents.”

2) Then set up a separate “Custom” list that you will use as your routing list.  In this list enter all the names of the various other document libraries that you want to file your documents to.  For instance “Tax Records” and “Property Records.”


3) Go back to your “New Documents” library that you just created, and add a new column under “Document Library Settings.”  Give it a content type of “Lookup”, and tie it to the list you created in step 2.  Call it “Filing Location.”  *This can also be done with metadata if you have it enabled.


4) Now that you have your infrastructure set up, it is time to create a workflow to automatically file the documents.  Open SharePoint Designer, and browse to your site. Choose to create a new workflow.

5) Link the workflow to your “New Documents” library.  Choose to activate the workflow whenever a new item is added. Enter the workflow steps in the following format:

  • Choosing to examine the “Filing Location” column.
  • If it matches one of the types you identify, choose to pause it for the time you desire to have it displayed in the “New Documents” library.  In this case, I will choose 5 days.
  • Then have the workflow copy the document (“Current Item”) to the desired matching document library.


6) Repeat the previous step as many times as is necessary for the different document libraries you wish to file your documents to.

7) Finally, for the last step, choose to examine the file, and then pause it for a time period greater than the time you chose for step 5. Then add an instruction to delete the item after that time has passed.


8) Save the workflow.

9) Now when you add documents to the “New Documents” folder, they will be automatically filed.  However, when you upload them, you will also need to choose where they get filed under the “Filing Locations.”


How To Create A “Private” SharePoint Discussion Board

One of the requests I hear most from users is for the ability to create a private discussion board on their site.  They have a general user base, but want to lock down a particular SharePoint discussion board to just a small subset of users.  Unfortunately, there is no really obvious way to do this, so creating a “private” discussion board is a multi-step process.


The benefits to creating a private discussion board are numerous.  It can allow you to have a central location for having secure communication between team members, as well as provide the ability to share documents, all while remaining within the context of a parent site.  Typically, site admins would prefer to keep users on a single site, rather than go off and create subsites for all the different user sub-groups that want their own private area.  Private discussion boards are a great option for this.

To help those that might want to create one on their site, but not know where to start, I put together this little guide to help you create one.  While these screenshots are for SharePoint 2010, the same steps will also apply to SharePoint 2013, since the discussions list has remained essentially unchanged.

1) Go To “Site Actions”, click on “More Options…” You can also get to this menu by clicking “Create” when on the “Discussions” tab.

2) Choose “Discussion Board” as the type. If you do not wish to have this on the navigation, do NOT click “OK” just yet.


3) (optional) Click “More Options”. Enter the name of the private board. For Navigation, choose “No.” Then click OK.


4) Once the board is created, you will need to modify the permissions to make it a private board. Click on “List Permissions.”


5) THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. **** DO NOT CLICK MANAGE PARENT **** If you change the permissions of the parent, you will mess up the permissions for the entire website.

Instead, click on “Stop Inheriting Permissions”


6) Remove all the groups and users, except for the “Owners” group for the website. Click OK.


7) Go to “Site Actions”, “Site Permissions”


8) Create a new group for the private board (this step may be unnecessary if you already have a SharePoint group you wish to use)


9) Give the group a name and set it to “Read Only”. *This does not mean it will be Read Only for the discussion board, it means it is a read only group for the site. If they have permissions that are elevated for the site, those will be taken care of by another group they are a member of. This group is just for the private board.


10) Click “Create.” Once you complete this step, add the users or AD groups to the SharePoint group that need permission.

11) Click “Site Actions”, “View All Site Content”

12) Click on the private discussion board you just created


13) Click “List Permissions” and then “Grant Permissions”

14) Use the people picker to find the group that you just created.


15) Set the permission for the group as they relate to the private board. Typically “Contribute”, if it is an admin group set it to “Full Control”


16) Verify the permissions

17) Next we want to add a link to the private board. Go to “Site Actions” click on “Site Settings”

18) Click on “Navigation”

19) If you have a private discussions tab, click that, then click “Add Link”

20) Give it a title and browse for the private board to create the link.


22) Click OK, and check to see if the link appears.

23) (optional) Finally, if you created a group at the beginning, go into the group and add the members you want to grant access.  Click “Site Settings”, “Site Permissions”, and add users to the group.


Unable To Remove Server From Farm / cacheHostInfo is null

If you run into issues trying to remove a server from your SharePoint 2013 farm, particularly where you think the AppFabric install on that server is corruped/unfixable and you want to reinstall. Try the following. It worked for me.

1) Run the SP13 Configuration Wizard on the server you want to remove from the farm. Choose “Disconnect from Farm.”

2) After it finishes, head over to your Central Admin server.

3) Browse to “Servers In Farm” and see if the server you just removed is still there.

4) If it is still there, try clicking “Remove Server.”  This is where I got an error message indicating “cacheHostInfo is null,” and it would not let me proceed any further. This is because the server is still registered with the cache cluster and it is trying to remove it, but since the server has a bad/no entry for the cache info, it fails.

5) Fortunately, the server can be manually removed from the cache cluster through Powershell. While still on your Central Admin server, run the following script:

$SPFarm = Get-SPFarm
$cacheClusterName = "SPDistributedCacheCluster_" + $SPFarm.Id.ToString()
$cacheClusterManager = [Microsoft.SharePoint.DistributedCaching.Utilities.SPDistributedCacheClusterInfoManager]::Local
$cacheClusterInfo = $cacheClusterManager.GetSPDistributedCacheClusterInfo($cacheClusterName)
$instanceName ="SPDistributedCacheService Name=AppFabricCachingService"
$serviceInstance = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {($_.Service.Tostring()) -eq $instanceName -and ($_.Server.Name) -eq "ComputerToRemoveName1"}

Verify it is removed by running:


There are no products affected by this package installed on this system / Missing KB Packages

When running a cumulative update to the SharePoint 2013 farm servers, I encountered an error message in the Configuration Wizard.  It stated that there were missing packages on my non-central admin servers.

This was in spite of running the same cumulative updates on all the servers (????)

When I attempted to run the cumulative update installation again, the package check came back with the following message:

There are no products affected by this package installed on this system

I tried multiple options, such as restarting IIS, the SharePoint Timer Service, and the servers themselves, however, none of those resolved the issue or allowed the wizard to detect that those updates were already installed on the other servers.

Finally I came across a post indicating that the servers should be removed from the farm and then re-added again. I did so, and that resolved the issue.